




第一条  为了健全外国国家豁免制度,明确中华人民共和国的法院对涉及外国国家及其财产民事案件的管辖,保护当事人合法权益,维护国家主权平等,促进对外友好交往,根据宪法,制定本法。

第二条  本法所称的外国国家包括:




第三条  外国国家及其财产在中华人民共和国的法院享有管辖豁免,本法另有规定的除外。

第四条  外国国家通过下列方式之一明示就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖的,对于就该事项或者案件提起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:






第五条  外国国家有下列情形之一的,视为就特定事项或者案件接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:






第六条  外国国家有下列情形之一的,不视为接受中华人民共和国的法院管辖:




第七条  外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人进行的商业活动,在中华人民共和国领域内发生,或者虽然发生在中华人民共和国领域外但在中华人民共和国领域内产生直接影响的,对于该商业活动引起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免。


第八条  外国国家为获得个人提供的劳动或者劳务而签订的合同全部或者部分在中华人民共和国领域内履行的,对于因该合同引起的诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免,但有下列情形之一的除外:





第九条  对于外国国家在中华人民共和国领域内的相关行为造成人身伤害、死亡或者造成动产、不动产损失引起的赔偿诉讼,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免。

第十条  对于下列财产事项的诉讼,外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:




第十一条  对于下列知识产权事项的诉讼,外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:



第十二条  外国国家与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人之间的商业活动产生的争议,根据书面协议被提交仲裁的,或者外国国家通过国际投资条约等书面形式同意将其与包括中华人民共和国在内的其他国家的组织或者个人产生的投资争端提交仲裁的,对于需要法院审查的下列事项,该外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免:





第十三条  外国国家的财产在中华人民共和国的法院享有司法强制措施豁免。


第十四条  有下列情形之一的,外国国家的财产在中华人民共和国的法院不享有司法强制措施豁免:




第十五条  下列外国国家的财产不视为本法第十四条第三项规定的用于商业活动的财产:







第十六条  对于外国国家及其财产民事案件的审判和执行程序,本法没有规定的,适用中华人民共和国的民事诉讼法律以及其他相关法律的规定。

第十七条  中华人民共和国的法院向外国国家送达传票或者其他诉讼文书,应当按照下列方式进行:







第十八条  经送达完成,外国国家未在中华人民共和国的法院指定期限内出庭的,法院应当主动查明该外国国家是否享有管辖豁免。对于外国国家在中华人民共和国的法院不享有管辖豁免的案件,法院可以缺席判决,但应当在诉讼文书送达之日的六个月以后。



第十九条  中华人民共和国外交部就以下有关国家行为的事实问题出具的证明文件,中华人民共和国的法院应当采信:





第二十条  本法规定不影响外国的外交代表机构、领事机构、特别使团、驻国际组织代表团、派往国际会议的代表团及上述机构的相关人员根据中华人民共和国的法律、中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约享有的特权与豁免。


第二十一条  外国给予中华人民共和国国家及其财产的豁免待遇低于本法规定的,中华人民共和国实行对等原则。

第二十二条  中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定,但中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。

第二十三条  本法自202411日起施行。

The Law of the Peoples Republic of China on

Foreign State Immunity

(Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National Peoples Congress on September 1, 2023)

Article 1

This Law is enacted pursuant to the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China to improve Chinas foreign state immunity systemanddefine the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China over civil cases involving a foreign State and its propertywith a view toprotectingthe lawful rights and interests of the parties concerned, safeguardingthe sovereignequalityof States, and promotingfriendly exchanges with other countries.

Article 2

In this Law, a foreign State means:

1.a foreignsovereign State;

2.aStateorgan or aconstituent partof a foreign sovereign State;or

3.an organization or an individual,authorized by a foreign sovereign State, thatexercisessovereign authority and conductsactivities in accordance with such authorization.


Unless otherwise provided by this Law, a foreign State and its property enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China.

Article 4

A foreign Stateshall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China in proceedings instituted with regard to a particular matter or caseif ithasexpresslysubmitted to thejurisdiction ofthe courts of the Peoples Republic of China with regard tothe matter or case:

1.in an international treaty;

2.in a written agreement;

3.in a written document filed with the court of the Peoples Republic of China handlingthecase;

4.in a written document submitted to the Peoples Republic of China through diplomatic or other channels; or

5.in other manner of express submission to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China.

Article 5

A foreign State shall be considered as having submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China with regard to a particular matter or case if it has:

1.instituted proceedingsin a court of the Peoples Republic of China as a plaintiff;

2.participated in proceedingsbefore a court of the Peoples Republic of China as a defendant, and made a defenseonthe merits of the case or a counterclaim;

3.participated in proceedingsbefore a court of the Peoples Republic of China as a third party;or

4.been counterclaimed on the basis of the same legal relationship orfactsduring proceedingsit instituted as a plaintiff orin the claimsit made as a third partybefore a court of the Peoples Republic of China.

Notwithstanding the provision of sub-paragraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, where a foreign Statecan prove that it could not haveacquired knowledge offacts on which a claim to immunity can be based until after it made the defense, it can claim immunity withina reasonable periodafter it knew or ought to have known about those facts.

Article 6

A foreign State shall not be considered as having submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China if:

1.it makes a defense for the sole purpose of claiming immunity;

2.its representative appears before a court of the Peoples Republic of China as a witness; or

3.it consents to the application of the law of the Peoples Republic of China to a particular matter or case.

Article 7

A foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of thecourtsof the Peoples Republic of Chinain anyproceedingsarising out of a commercial activitybetween theforeign State and an organization or an individual of another Stateincluding the Peoples Republic of China, which takes place in the territoryof the Peoples Republic of China, ortakes place outside the territoryof the Peoples Republic of Chinabut causesa direct effect in the territoryof the Peoples Republic of China.

Inthis Law,a commercial activitymeans anyact of transaction of goods orservices,investment, lending,or any other act of a commercial nature,which is not an exercise of sovereign authority.The courts of the Peoples Republic of China,in determining whether an act is a commercial activity,shall consider all factors relating to the nature and purpose of the act.

Article 8

A foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China in any proceedings arising out of a contract concluded by the foreign Statefor labor or servicesprovided by anindividual where the contract is performed, in whole or in part, in the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, except where:

1.the procurement oflabor or servicesprovided by the individual is for the purpose of performing specific functions in the exercise of sovereign authorityof the foreign State;

2.the individual providing labor or servicesisa diplomatic agent, a consular officer, a staff of a representative office of an international organization in China enjoying immunity, or any other personnel enjoyingthe relevant immunity;

3.the individualproviding labor or services, at the time when the proceedings are instituted, is anational of theforeign State and has no habitual residence in theterritory of the Peoples Republic of China; or

4.theforeign State has agreed otherwise with the Peoples Republic of China.

Article 9

A foreign State shallnot enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China in any proceedings for compensation arising out of personal injury or death or damage toor loss of movable or immovable property caused by the relevantconduct of theforeign State in the territory of the Peoples Republic of China.

Article 10

A foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China in any proceedings concerning property matters inrespectof:

1.any rights, interests or obligations of theforeign State in immovable property located in the territory of the Peoples Republic of China;

2.any rights, interests or obligations of theforeign State in movable or immovable property arising by way of gift, testamentary gift, succession or vacant succession; or

3.rights, interests or obligations of theforeign State in the management of trust property or bankruptcy estate, or in the liquidation process of a legal person or an unincorporated organization.

Article 11

A foreign State shallnot enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China in any proceedings concerning intellectual property matters in respectof:

1.the determination of ownership and related rights and interests in an intellectual property of theforeign State that is protected by the law of the Peoples Republic of China; or

2.the infringement by theforeign State, in the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, of an intellectual property and related rights and interests protected by the law of the Peoples Republic of China.

Article 12

If a foreign State

has enteredinto an agreement in writing according to which a dispute arising out ofa commercial activitybetween the foreign Stateand anorganization oran individual of another State, including the Peoples Republic of China, is submitted to arbitration;or

has agreedin an international investment treaty or otherwise in writingto submit an investment disputebetweenthe foreign Stateandanorganization or an individual of anotherState, including the Peoples Republic of China,to arbitration,

theforeign State shall not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction ofthecourtsof the Peoples Republic of China in the following matters which are subject to review by the courts:

1.the validityof the arbitration agreement;

2.the recognition and enforcement of the arbitration award;

3.setting aside of the arbitration award; or

4.other matters related to arbitrationwhich are subject to review bythe courts of the Peoples Republic of China as provided by the law.

Article 13

The property of a foreign State enjoys immunity from compulsory judicial measures in the courts of the Peoples Republic of China.

Submission by a foreign State to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of China shall not be considered as its waiver of immunity from compulsory judicial measures.

Article 14

The property of a foreign State shall not enjoy immunity from compulsory judicial measures in the courts of the Peoples Republic of China if:

1.the foreign Statehas expressly waived immunity from compulsory judicial measuresby an international treaty, awritten agreement,a written document filedwithacourt of the Peoples Republic of China, or othermeans;

2.the foreign Statehasallocated or earmarkedthe property for the enforcement of compulsory judicial measures;or

3.the compulsory judicialmeasures are taken to enforcea valid judgment or rulingrendered byacourt of the Peoples Republic of China, andtheproperty of theforeign Stateis locatedin the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, usedfor a commercial activity, and connected tothe proceedings.

Article 15

The following property of a foreign Stateshall not be considered as property usedfora commercial activityprovided for in sub-paragraph 3 of Article 14 of this Law:

1.property, includingbank account, of diplomaticmissions,consular posts,special missions,missionsto international organizations, and delegations to international conferences, whichisused for the performance of officialfunctionsor intended for such use;

2.property of a militarycharacter,or property which is used for military purposeor intended for such use;

3.property of thecentral bankor afinancial regulatory administrationexercising central bankfunctions ofa foreign Stateor of a regionaleconomic integrationorganization, including cash, notes, bank deposits, securities, foreign exchange reserves, gold reserves,and the immovable property and other property of the central bank or afinancial regulatory administrationexercisingcentral bankfunctions;

4.property which formspart of the cultural heritage or archivesof aforeign State, andwhich is notplacedor intendedto be placedforsale;

5.object of scientific, cultural or historical valueusedfor exhibition, which is notplaced or intended to be placed for saleas property;and

6.other property whicha court of the Peoples Republic of Chinaconsiders as not being usedfor a commercial activity.

Article 16

Where there is no applicable provision in this Law, the civil procedure law and other relevant laws of the Peoples Republic of Chinashall apply to the adjudication and enforcement proceedings ofcivilcases involvinga foreign Stateand its property.

Article 17

The courts of the Peoples Republic of China shall effectservice of writs of summons or such other litigation documentson a foreign State in accordance with:

1.the means specified ininternational treaties to which the foreign State and thePeoples Republic of Chinaare contracting or acceding parties; or

2.other meansaccepted by theforeign Stateandnot precluded by the law of the Peoples Republic of China.

Where the service cannot be effected by meansspecified in the preceding paragraph,service maybe effected bytransmitting a diplomatic noteto thediplomatic authorities of theforeign State, and the serviceshall be deemed to have been effected onthe dateof the issuance of the diplomatic note.

Thelitigation documents servedbymeansspecified inthe first and second paragraphs of this Article shallbe accompanied by copies of their translation into thelanguage stipulated in the international treaties towhich the foreign State and thePeoples Republic of China are contracting or acceding parties, or,in the absence of such treaties, into the official language of the foreign State.

When serving a copy of the statement of claim on a foreign State, theforeign State shall, at the same time, be notified to file adefense within three months from the date of receiptof thecopyof the statement of claim.

A foreign State that filed a defenseon the merits of the case in proceedingsinstituted against itshallnot thereafter challenge the means by which the service of the litigation documents had been effected.

Article 18

If a foreign State on which the service of litigation documents is effected fails to appear beforea court of the Peoples Republic of China within the time limit specified by the court, the court shall, on its own motion, find out whether theforeign State enjoys jurisdictional immunity. Thecourt of the Peoples Republic of China may render a default judgment on a case involving a foreign State which does not enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the Peoples Republic of Chinasix months after the date on which the service of the litigation documents is effected.

A default judgment rendered by a court of the Peoples Republic of China against aforeign State shall be served in accordance with Article 17 of this Law.

The time limit for a foreign State to appeal a default judgment rendered by a court of the Peoples Republic of China is six months from the date on which the service of the judgment is effected.

Article 19

Thecourtsof the Peoples Republic of Chinashallaccept thecertifying documents issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairsof the Peoples Republic of China on the following questions of fact concerning acts of State:

1.whether the Stateinvolved ina caseconstitutesa foreign sovereign State as defined in sub-paragraph 1of Article 2 of this Law;

2.whether and when the service of thediplomatic note specifiedin Article 17 of this Lawiseffected; and

3.other questions of fact concerning acts of State.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairsof the Peoples Republic of China may provide an opinionto thecourts of the Peoples Republic of Chinaon issues concerning major national interests such as foreign affairsother than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Article 20

The provisions of this Law shall not affect the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic missions,consular posts, special missions, missions to international organizations, delegations to international conferencesof a foreign State and members of the foregoing missions or delegations in accordance with the law of the Peoples Republic of China and the international treaties to which the Peoples Republic of China is a contracting or acceding party.

The provisions of this Law shall not affect the privileges and immunities enjoyed by heads of State, heads ofgovernment, foreign ministers and other officials of equivalentstatus of a foreign State in accordance with the law of the Peoples Republic of China,the international treaties to which the Peoples Republic of China is a contracting or acceding party, and international custom.

Article 21

Ifthe immunity accorded by a State to the Peoples Republic of China and its property is less favorable than thoseprovidedby this Law, the Peoples Republic of China appliesthe principle of reciprocity.

Article 22

Where an international treatyto which the Peoples Republic of China is a contracting or acceding party providesotherwise, the provisions of theinternational treatyshall apply, with the exception of provisions on which the Peoples Republic of China has declared reservations.

Article 23

This Law shall come into force on January 1, 2024.